project summary
Encouraging thought on biotechnology as a bridge between humanity and nature
This project aims to create a space for people to reflect on how biotechnology functions and how it might transform human-plant relationship. The ultimate goals are 1) to raise awareness among the general publish about the existence and functionality of bio-based materials, and 2) to inspire more innovators and artists to create products and works using bio-based materials, and 3) to encourage research and development in this field by visually present the potential of the material.
why this work is important
Raising the awareness of the added functionalities that bio-based materials can offer
Bio-based products made from plant-derived materials are often dismissed as "too fashionable as a functional product" or too expensive to buy them as alternatives to the existing products. Then, what if the material is more functional than the existing ones, and people seek for its functionalities rather than just being sustainable? This work seeks to engage a wider audience, including those indifferent to such materials, by presenting the functionalities of the material in a way that is enjoyable and stimulates curiosity.
Designing interactions where the material speaks for itself without heavy explanations
This work, like other sustainable products, faced the dilemma of balancing self-explanatory clarity with aesthetics that attract people. While the piece needed to appeal to audiences through its functionality and aesthetics, it also had to make the use of bio-based materials as self-evident as possible, without relying heavily on explanations, to fulfill its educational purpose.
A photosynthesis-inspired sunglasses installation with mutual human-plant care
I am creating an outdoor installation of oversized bio-based sunglasses utilizing photosynthesis. Visitors can sit on benches placed behind the sunglasses, enjoying a shaded, relaxing moment while watering the plants growing on the sunglasses' frames as a gesture of gratitude to the plants that protected them from the sunlight. This work is inspired by the function of chlorophyll, which absorbs harmful blue light from the sun and uses it for growth, showcasing the bio-material's dual functionality of absorbing light for plant growth while protecting humans. By encouraging humans to care for the plants as an act of appreciation, the work aims to embody a reciprocal relationship between humans and plants through products that could be used in daily life.
Currently, a prototype demonstrating the potential future application of chlorophyll has been completed. However, challenges remain, such as addressing plants' vulnerability to UV radiation and refining the effectiveness of chlorophyll. Further research and development are planned to address these issues.